2.3 Installing WSL

Windows 10 has a Linux subsystem. If you are running Windows build 16215 or later, here is how you can access this windows feature. You can check your Windows build number by opening a command prompt (Right click on Start menu > Run > Type cmd) and then type

wmic os get BuildNumber

I get BuildNumber 17134 so I am good to go. [Instructions from Microsoft are here.](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10)

First you must open Windows PowerShell (from the start menu) as Administrator and run
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
Then restart your computer when prompted.

After the restart:
Open the Microsoft store and find the latest version of Ubuntu LTS (18.04 at the time of writing) as this is stable and up-to-date.
Select "Get" to download.
Now initialize it by launching from your Start menu.

What you should see is a command window saying Installing, this may take a few minutes. Be prepared to wait a few minutes.

First you are asked to enter a new UNIX username and a password. This is the "sudo user" so write down the username and password. When you add new programs or modify settings you log on as the sudo user.

Like Termux, this isn't "real" Linix but an emulation.

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